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Taking on an event like UNBOUND Gravel during the menopause transition can feel daunting for women. Hit Play Not Pause podcast host, Selene Yeager, shares best practices to help you crush your goals no matter what your hormones are doing,
Have I finally found the perfect cycling bibs? I have to admit, I’m in love with the Pas Normal chamois
Foot pain is a common complaint among cyclists often in the form of burning, tingling and numbness. Lindsay Glassford gives us insight into how to find the right shoe and make adaptations for common complaints.
Underfueling, especially chronic underfueling, can affect our cycling performance and long-term health. Women are at risk of developing Low Energy Availability or Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
Too often the cycling world buys into diet culture and either subtly or intentionally, communicates that riding bikes is for people of a certain size. It’s time to reshape that narrative.
Whether your want to head to events for the experience and fun times with friends or you have a performance goal, now is the time to plan your season!
There are definitely people who show up to gravel events to race for the podium, but most people are there to experience a great day on the dirt with a community of rad people. You get to define what it means to compete in gravel cycling.
This past week, an 8-year-old boy was killed while riding his bike in the suburbs of Houston. The police said the streets were unsafe to ride. Many in our community ride off-road for safety….so should we still care about safe streets?
Whether for mental health, physical health, or post-pregnancy goals, some women want to ride throughout their pregnancy. Here are some tips for gravel cyclists who want to stay on the bike as their bodies change.
Tips and Gear
Foot pain is a common complaint among cyclists often in the form of burning, tingling and numbness. Lindsay Glassford gives us insight into how to find the right shoe and make adaptations for common complaints.
Whether for mental health, physical health, or post-pregnancy goals, some women want to ride throughout their pregnancy. Here are some tips for gravel cyclists who want to stay on the bike as their bodies change.
The right tire width can mean the difference between sinking and sailing over rough terrain on a gravel ride
When someone refers to menopause, we tend to think of rocking chairs, not sweet new gravel bikes. But there’s no reason to give up gravel just because you’re approaching–or already through–menopause.
We sign up for an event, plan a long ride, or even a bike-packing adventure only to realize that we’ll have our period during that time. At one time, that news would have ruined our day, but now, not only do we have some better tools, periods are no longer taboo.
When we talk about cycling discomfort, we often talk about bike saddles and chamois but we don’t talk about female anatomy and how it affects our riding. Originally posted on Feisty Triathlon, this article helps us give our labia some love.
2023 Event Planning
Creating more diverse start lines is more than just a social post or registration discount. What are you doing to be more inclusive?
Whether your want to head to events for the experience and fun times with friends or you have a performance goal, now is the time to plan your season!
There are definitely people who show up to gravel events to race for the podium, but most people are there to experience a great day on the dirt with a community of rad people. You get to define what it means to compete in gravel cycling.

Join the Community

Creating more diverse start lines is more than just a social post or registration discount. What are you doing to be more inclusive?